September 22, 2020 Regular EPB Board Meeting
September Main Topics
EPB Operations in COVID-19 Environment and Temporary Changes
Ø Financial Impacts of COVID-19
Ø Discuss ramifications of Circuit Court Rulings
and Issues relative to upcoming mediation
Ø Review
of 2020 retail electric rate effectiveness, with new rate option for
Community Care Fund
The September meeting has a rather long agenda due
to the inclusion of rather complicated rate discussion.
We all know that the present legal status of the Board is tough due to rulings and orders issued by Barren Circuit Court. However, the EPB mission is still fixed and it is imperative that all members meet to discuss these matters on the agenda. I urge you to attend, and to approve an agenda so that we can keep moving forward.
Action Items
October 1
Ø The October 2020 TVA FCA
will increase sharply, to 1.428 cents per kWh. This is a sizable month-to-month
increase. COVID influenced August sales
were surprisingly high, and hydro generation was unusually low, and those
factors put upward pressure on the FCA.
Ø On October 1, the
energy component of our retail rates will adjust to reflect this increase
passed on by TVA.
COVID-19 and Glasgow EPB
Ø Service disconnections for non-payment on essential services have been
discontinued pending Board direction, and TVA/PSC directions on same. We have
also temporarily waived the fee for call-in credit card payments. The matter
became much more complicated a couple of months ago when Governor Beshear
issued an order, which forbids utilities (and mentions municipal utilities,
like ours, specifically) from resuming normal non-payment disconnects until
after he lifts his Emergency Declaration for the state. Obviously, for a
non-profit like EPB, the additional losses will have to be borne by all
customers. This matter also has federal sovereignty implications since the
Governor is usurping TVA’s regulatory role. This matter is very complicated. I
will show you some results of this order and it is becoming quite clear that we
have several customers who are amassing a debt that they will have a lot of
trouble repaying.
Ø We closed the EPB lobby to the public on Wednesday, March 18, and it is
still closed. At the same time, we announced the cessation of services to
broadband wiring inside customer premises. Since the number of Barren County
COVID-19 cases is growing sharply, we do not see an end to these changes. We
have been in contact with GWC, FRECC, and SCRTC regarding their lobby opening
decisions. Right now, pending Board approval, we are planning to continue our
present safety policies indefinitely.
Ø While TVA is giving us considerable latitude on how long this disconnect
forbearance should last, they are determined for us to ultimately collect on
all balances owed. Further, as mentioned above, they are carefully considering
how long to cooperate with the Governor’s directive before they take action to
re-establish themselves as the sole LPC regulator.
Ø City of Glasgow was lucky to receive over $1 million in CARES Act funding
from the Federal Government. We have asked City of Glasgow to pass a resolution
which would authorize our customers, who are in arrears on their accounts with
us, to apply for a portion of that funding to help them get back to even. We
trust that the City will comply with this request.
Ø “Social distancing” steps have already been taken by the EPB team along
with additional cleaning of the EPB office.
Personal protective equipment has been provided to EPB team members who
interact directly with the public. The team has returned to normal shifts.
We look forward to reversing all these steps and
moving back toward our normal operations when officials advise us of the safety
of that action.
Mediation Costs and other Court Orders
Though this matter has gotten some discussion and
opinions have been rendered, the Board has yet to act on certain issues. For
example, since the Court ordered all parties to enter mediation (presently
scheduled for October 20), there is a matter to be considered relative to the
cost of legal counsel relative to the mediation process.
There is also the matter of outstanding issues that
the Court is presently considering. Since new orders can be issued at any time,
this matter should be on the agenda so that the Board can respond, if such
orders are issued, at the upcoming meeting.
Retail Rates Review
Ø We made a commitment to an Advisory Committee, and to the City of
Glasgow, to conduct annual analysis of our retail electric rates. This is a
sound business practice that should be followed, regardless of our commitments,
and that preliminary review took place in the August meeting.
Ø I had planned to start off with a brief review of the presentation on the
history of the EPB rate evolution, which ought to get everyone on the same page
as to where we have been and where previous boards have set our course to follow.
However, other matters took a lot of the wind out of our sails, and no one
seemed ready to spend that much time on the issue. I stand at the ready to
conduct that review when, and if, the Board is ready.
Ø I got some valuable feedback during the August meeting, regarding strong
opinions on the retail rate architecture. In response, my team has spent a lot
of time since the August meeting, developing a radical new rate option that
might be more attractive to the present Board.
Ø At the meeting we will have an analysis and a couple of recommended
approaches to each of our six consumer retail rate tariffs. There are a lot of
numbers you might want to consider, but we’ve prepared a pared down
presentation for each tariff, one that you might find sufficient to approve.
Ø As the reader can see from the modified agenda, Mr. Froedge has proposed
his own version of rate design, and that will be considered in relation to the
Ø It will be the Board’s decision on how we should proceed, but if we hope
to implement a change by January 1, it will be critical for you to render a
decision this month.
New TVA Community Care Fund Grants
Ø The TVA Board has approved another round of Community Care Grants in the amount of $2 million. This amount is equal to what they previously approved in April 2020.
Ø As before, Glasgow EPB’s allotment of this money amounts to $10,000. To
get that funding for one of our local non-profit agencies, EPB must put up a
matching $10,000.
Ø As before, TVA is willing to count the money
we have already committed to Community Relief as our matching money. So, while
you can elect to give this allotment to another non-profit agency, doing so
would mean a new $10,000 expenditure of EPB funds.
Ø At the meeting I will recommend that you
authorize me to complete the agreement with TVA to apply for the $10,000 and
award it to Community Relief when TVA grants our application.
Consideration of Recommended Hardware Upgrade to EPB NOC
Ø Rampant growth in internet traffic has resulted from the pandemic and the changes to how we work and educate our children. Trying to keep the capacity of the Glasgow broadband network ahead of the demand has totally changed the pace at which we normally consider and execute improvements.
At the meeting Josh Francis will present his
plan to add another Cisco Router to enhance our ability to survive the loss of
one of our circuits to AT&T, Windstream, and/or Level 3.
The cost of this proposed addition is
sizable, a bit over $100K, but the need is even more sizable as we continue to be
the only link to normalcy that so many of our customers have during this
Ø August Metrics and Financial Review
October FCA
CPD Charge Reserve Fund
demand markup was implemented two years ago, to cover TVA wholesale cost for
missed peak predictions
- Updated calculations will be presented at the meeting. We are beginning a
new year of this reporting, and so far, the fund is in acceptable shape due to overall
accuracy of peak predictions.
Ø Results from Board Authorization to disconnect
non-essential services to accounts in arrears
Ø Large Outage Report
Old/New Business
I put the matter of deciding whether to go back to a more normal meeting format on the agenda again. We have done some research and will have a clear set of guidelines we would need to follow, should you wish to go back to a face-to-face format for our meetings.
Please let me know if you have any questions before the meeting. Prepare for another meeting experience using Zoom.