Blog Archive

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Friday, January 24, Another Peak Electric Demand Day

Our plans are evolving along with the weather forecast and TVA's system status. We are calling Friday a Blue Level Load Management day here in Glasgow. Just like TVA, but on a n a much smaller scale, we operate Glasgow's System Control center right here in the EPB building, and our folks now predict that we may set a new maximum peak for January on Friday morning, January 24, somewhere between 6:00 and 11:00 am.

We are making our customary appeal. We need for you to pre-warm your home during the night and lower your thermostat a few degrees when you get up Friday morning. We need for you to avoid the use of electric ranges, dishwashers, and clothes dryers through the morning. If you could de-energize your electric water heater through the morning, that would help a lot as well. After the morning passes, you may resume all normal activities and thermostat settings.

This appeal is to help both TVA and Glasgow EPB maintain the stability and economic efficiency of our electric power grid. Thanks for the great response that you always give us during these times!
Tuesday, January 7, 2014



While we have been appealing to our customers for reductions to electric power usage during the morning hours for the last couple of days, this morning that appeal has become critical. TVA, the electric power provider for Glasgow, this morning instituted their Emergency Load Curtailment Plan due to extreme conditions regarding their generating capacity.

For the stabil
ity of the electric power grid across the multi-state region, it is essential that all Glasgow EPB customers redouble their efforts to reduce demand through 11:00 am today, January 7. Lower thermostats, switch off electric water heaters, refrain from using major appliances.

This crisis should end with the warmer air coming later in the day. Until then, please heed this warning!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Glasgow Energy Peak Alert - Your Help is Needed!

With the coldest temperatures predicted in 20 years for Monday and Tuesday, January 6th and 7th, TVA has already notified our office that they will be operating in their Conservative Operations mode.  Everything is secure on their system, but they are making plans to ensure that it remains that way, and the Glasgow EPB is also working to protect our system.  However, we can only do so much. We need the help of all of our customers, both at your homes and your businesses, during this exceptionally cold period. 

Please be assured, we would never ask you to endanger your health or the well-being of your property. What we are asking is that you curtail as much electric usage as possible on Monday morning, and particularly on Tuesday morning, when we expect to possibly set a record peak demand for electric power. We need your help between 6:00 am and 11:00 am on both Monday and Tuesday.  Below are just a few suggestions, but we know that each homeowner and business owner can find other creative ways to cut even more usage:

1.     Pre-warm your home or business on Sunday night, and again Monday night.
2.     At about 6:00 am, set your thermostat to 69, or lower if possible.
3.     Do not use electric space heaters during the critical hours.
4.     Limit your use of electric appliances such as ranges, washers, dryers and dishwashers.  If it is necessary to use these items, please do so after 11:00 am.
5.     Use hot water sparingly if you have an electric hot water heater.
6.     Close off areas not being used.
7.     For our business customers, please delay any electric intensive operations until after 11:00 am on Monday and Tuesday; turn off lights and lower thermostats in unused areas.

These are just a few suggestions; let us hear from you how you are finding ways to save electric usage on our Facebook page (Glasgow Electric Plant Board). Remember, you can always monitor real time usage of the entire city at or by going to and looking for the graph on the right hand side. 

We have asked in the past for your help, and our customers have always responded.  We are sincerely requesting your assistance again to ensure that our system remains at its optimum operational capacity and that rates remain low for the entire community.